• 3210 Beaver-Vu Dr. Beavercreek, OH 45434

    (937) 426-2202

  • 8 Most Common Mistakes New Business Owners Make

    Starting a business is an exciting time, but it can also be overwhelming. There are many things to consider and mistakes to avoid in order to make sure your business is successful. Below, we have compiled a list of common mistakes new business owners make and how to avoid them.

    Failing to Personalize Your Company's Website

    Your website is the first place potential customers go to get a better understanding of your business, so it's important that you make sure it looks professional and provides a great customer experience. Make sure to optimize your website with personalized features like product recommendations, personalized content, and targeted promotions. This will not only create more personalized experiences for customers but also increase sales.

    Having No Business or Marketing Strategy

    It’s important to have both a business plan and a marketing plan in place before launching your business. A business plan outlines your goals, strategies, resources, and financial projections, while a marketing plan focuses on how you will reach potential customers through various channels such as social media and email campaigns. Having these plans in place will help ensure that you have the necessary foundation for success from day one.


    Not Joining Your Chamber of Commerce


    By joining your chamber of commerce, you open yourself up to new opportunities and resources, including networking events, seminars, discounts on business supplies and services, and more. You also gain access to a variety of marketing tools, like email newsletters and online directories. What’s more, being part of the chamber helps create a sense of credibility for your company by showcasing that you are an active member of the local business community. Ready to be a part of our local business community? Join the Beavercreek Chamber of Commerce today!

    Not Sticking to Your Budget

    Creating and sticking to a budget is essential when starting any new business venture. Establishing a budget will help you manage expenses and ensure that you are making wise investments in your business that will pay off over time. It’s also important to track income so that you know where every penny of profit goes back into the company.


    Keeping an eye on your income and expenses is easy to do if you use spreadsheets to track your numbers. You can use a program like Excel to create spreadsheets, and then you can convert them to PDFs that you can easily share with your staff members and investors. There are lots of resources that can help you keep these spreadsheets organized. For example, you can use a PDF rotator to rotate a PDF file and align documents with the correct page orientation, a splitter to separate pages in a large PDF file, or a PDF editor if you want to make changes to your PDF spreadsheets without transferring them back to Excel files.

    Assuming You Can Handle It All by Yourself

    As much as we all like to think we can do it all ourselves, this isn’t always the case when it comes to running a successful business. Consider hiring employees who specialize in areas where you may not have the expertise or simply don’t have time, like accounting or web design and development. This will free up more of your time so that you can focus on other aspects of growing your business, like networking or expanding into new markets.

    Not Registering Your Company as an LLC

    Registering your business as an LLC offers the assurance of protection from personal liability in the face of financial or legal issues. Any debts or lawsuits directed at the company would not be extended to any individual members, shielding their personal assets. This form of protection is invaluable for companies with multiple owners or partners, providing a sense of security and peace of mind.

    Employing the Wrong Personnel

    When starting a new business venture, it is important to hire employees who possess the necessary skill set for the task. It is equally important to ensure that these employees share the same values as you in regard to customer service, honesty, and integrity. Choosing personnel with compatible values ensures that everyone on the team has a common goal in mind, which is essential for creating a successful work environment.

    Not Updating Your Skills

    Many business owners make the critical mistake of not regularly updating their skills, leading to stagnation in an ever-evolving market. In today's fast-paced business environment, staying abreast of the latest trends and techniques is vital for sustained success. One effective way to avoid falling behind is to take classes online, which offers a flexible and accessible method to enhance knowledge and expertise. For instance, going back to school to earn an MBA can be a transformative step. Such educational pursuits not only update critical skills but also significantly enhance their career prospects, keeping them competitive and relevant in their industry.


    Starting a new business can be exciting, but it can also be intimidating. Taking the time to do some research and make informed decisions beforehand can give you extra peace of mind when taking the plunge. Establishing and sticking to a budget with the help of PDFs, registering as an LLC, and going back to school are just a few things that you should consider before starting your business. Doing so should ensure that you're making informed choices throughout the process.

    Join the Beavercreek Chamber of Commerce to get the tools and make the connections you need to build a winning business in our community!